Examples: Connect Business Systems
SALES sales.video dealerweb.ingeest| imagingv. apppraise salesfoce. aftersales workshop.video triage. rtc. quick.\ salesfoce.
7.1 dealerweb.lead.ingress
7.2 syntec.lead.create
After a Check-In web app has completed the process, sending the tjekvik.checkin.finish event will let CNC know that the status has changed, and advance the conversation.
First, create the eventtype
Request: POST https://api.web1on1.chat/v2/eventtypes
Then, use the eventtype ID to supply the JSONata transformation. In our checkin.invite event earlier we added a results message. We'll do the same here, but this time we will set the results message as completing the 'Check-In' form.
Request: PUT https://api.web1on1.chat/v2/eventtypes/619eef7913b6896d5406e42f/jsonata
Authorization: Bearer YOUR-TOKEN
Content-Type: text/plain
"conversation": $conversationForVIN($organizationForBmwId(bmwId), contact.VIN),
"organization": $organizationForExternalId(dealerId),
"type": "contact",
"messages": [
"type": "status",
"text": "tjekvik.checkin.finish"
"type": "command",
"text": "/set @board 4"
7.3 ispa.appointment.upsert
Turn this:
"caseID": "123-17",
"appointmentID": "AE00043497",
"dealerID": "00027",
"outletID": "01",
"event": "update",
"customer": {
"dmsNumber": "118525",
"title": "",
"salutation": "2-Frau",
"firstName": "Peter",
"middleName": "",
"lastName": "de Vos",
"privateContact": {
"phone": "",
"mobile": "+31204890003",
"email": "sitetechie+fl1@gmail.com"
"businessContact": {
"phone": "",
"mobile": "",
"email": ""
"orderRelatedContact": {
"firstName": "",
"lastName": "",
"salutation": "",
"title": "",
"primaryContact": "",
"secondaryContact": ""
"language": ""
"vehicle": {
"brand": "BMW",
"vin": "WBA8E32070A544148",
"licensePlate": "WN-XA 9038",
"modelDesignation": "316d",
"mileage": 108258,
"mileageUnit": "km"
"appointment": {
"serviceReceptionDate": {
"startDateTimeOVERRIDE": "2024-04-01T00:49:21.345Z",
"endDateTime": "2024-04-01T00:49:21.345Z"
"serviceAdvisorReception": {
"firstName": "Giuseppe",
"lastName": "Ricchitelli",
"dmsID": "c751966"
"vehicleReturnDate": {
"startDateTime": "2024-04-01T00:49:21.345Z",
"endDateTime": "0001-01-01T00:00:00+00:00"
"serviceAdvisorReturn": {},
"appointmentStatus": "Erwartet",
"appointmentSchedulingSystemAndVersion": "IPS",
"appointmentReminder": true
"jobList": [
"jobDescription": "10011130700 (SK)- F1x F2x F3x G0x G1x G3",
"guid": "c7de13dc-f660-49c2-a37f-d55187b66d8d",
"consultationJobItem": false,
"totalJobQuantity": 1,
"fruUnit": "AW",
"price": "0,00",
"currency": "EUR",
"jobPriceInfo": "",
"error": []
"jobDescription": "Steuergeräte ",
"guid": "8437dd67-0d8f-4e12-8056-67e452314761",
"consultationJobItem": false,
"totalJobQuantity": 1,
"fruUnit": "AW",
"price": "0,00",
"currency": "EUR",
"jobPriceInfo": "",
"error": []
"jobDescription": "10013500300 (SK)- F1x F2x F3x B47O B47K ",
"guid": "13109284-572c-4cec-bf64-873f69143780",
"consultationJobItem": false,
"totalJobQuantity": 1,
"fruUnit": "AW",
"price": "0,00",
"currency": "EUR",
"jobPriceInfo": "",
"error": []
"jobDescription": "10011350700 (SK)- E84 Fx Gx Bx7 Nx7 Kund",
"guid": "28e8b470-94ff-441d-b779-e8243bcbd838",
"consultationJobItem": false,
"totalJobQuantity": 1,
"fruUnit": "AW",
"price": "0,00",
"currency": "EUR",
"jobPriceInfo": "",
"error": []
using this JSONata transformation:
into this payload:
processed into this output:
7.1 tjekvik.checkin.invite
7.1 tjekvik.checkin.finish
7.1 tjekvik.checkin.finish
After a Check-In web app has completed the process, sending the tjekvik.checkin.finish event will let CNC know that the status has changed, and advance the conversation.
First, create the eventtype
Request: POST https://api.web1on1.chat/v2/eventtypes
Then, use the eventtype ID to supply the JSONata transformation. In our checkin.invite event earlier we added a results message. We'll do the same here, but this time we will set the results message as completing the 'Check-In' form.
Request: PUT https://api.web1on1.chat/v2/eventtypes/619eef7913b6896d5406e42f/jsonata
Authorization: Bearer YOUR-TOKEN
Content-Type: text/plain
"conversation": $conversationForVIN($organizationForBmwId(bmwId), contact.VIN),
"organization": $organizationForExternalId(dealerId),
"type": "contact",
"messages": [
"type": "status",
"text": "tjekvik.checkin.finish"
"type": "results",
"text": "tjekvik.checkin.finish",
"results": [
"name": "tjekvik.checkin.finish",
"type": "topic",
"form": "64400aae0760c8001d967720",
"values": {
"VIN": contact.VIN,
"customer_hash": contact.CustomerHash,
"location": $locationForExternalId(dealerId),
"department": $departmentForExternalId(dealerId),
"organization": $organizationForBmwId(bmwId)
"type": "chat",
"text": "checkin_confirm",
"meta": {
"template": "checkin_confirm",
"slug": contact.CustomerHash,
"type": "command",
"text": "/set @board 4"
7.2 workshop.appointment.upsert
7.3 imaging.video.sent
7.4 insights.report.created
7.5 salesforce.contact.upsert
FEASA wants to let us know. This is a very powerful way to import all dealership contacts, and keep them in sync.