On this page

customText configuration

This is the list of localizable strings. You can change a string globally (for all languages) like this:

customText.actionPaymentCompleted = 'Yes!!!'

Or, for a specific language (supported are: nl, en, de, or pt), so:

for Dutch would be like this:
customText.nl.actionPaymentCompleted = 'Gelukt!!!'
for English would be like this:
customText.en.actionPaymentCompleted = 'Success!!!'
for German would be like this:
customText.de.actionPaymentCompleted = 'Erfolgreich!!!'
for Portuguese would be like this:
customText.pt.actionPaymentCompleted = 'Conseguido!!!'

Below are all keys and the default value for them if the are not overruled by your settings.


Option Default value
actionPaymentCompleted Payment Completed
actionPaymentError An error occurred while processing the card. <br> Please try again or use a different card.
actionPostbackError An error occurred while processing your action. Please try again.
clickToRetry Message not delivered. Click to retry.
clickToRetryForm Form not submitted. Click anywhere on the form to retry.
connectNotificationText Give us a way to reach out:
connectNotificationSingleText Be notified when you get a reply.
connectNotificationSingleButtonText Turn on <name> notifications
connectNotificationOthersText others
conversationTimestampHeaderFormat MMMM D YYYY, h:mm A
couldNotConnect Couldn't connect. You can {retry}.
couldNotConnectInner retry connecting now
couldNotConnectWithRetry Couldn't connect. We'll keep retrying, or you can {retry}.
couldNotConnectWithRetryInner try now
emailChangeAddress Change my email
emailDescription To be notified by email when you get a reply, enter your email address.
emailFieldLabel Your email
emailFieldPlaceholder Your email address
emailFormButton Continue
fetchHistory Load more
fetchingHistory Retrieving history...
fileTooLargeError Max file size limit exceeded ({size})
fileTypeError Unsupported file type.
formErrorInvalidEmail Email is invalid
formErrorNoLongerThan Must contain no more than ({characters}) characters
formErrorNoShorterThan Must contain at least ({characters}) characters
formErrorUnknown This doesn't look quite right
formFieldSelectPlaceholderFallback Choose one...
frontendEmailChannelDescription To talk to us using email just send a message to our email address and we\'ll reply shortly:
headerText How can we help?
imageClickToReload Click to reload image.
imageClickToView Click to view {size} image.
imagePreviewNotAvailable Preview not available.
inputPlaceholder Type a message...
inputPlaceholderBlocked Complete the form above...
introAppText Message us below or from your favorite app.
introductionText We\'re here to talk, so ask us anything!
lineChannelDescription To talk to us using LINE, scan this QR code using the LINE app and send us a message.
linkError An error occurred when attempting to generate a link for this channel. Please try again.
locationNotSupported Your browser does not support location services or itโ€™s been disabled. Please type your location instead.
locationSecurityRestriction This website cannot access your location. Please type your location instead.
locationSendingFailed Could not send location
locationServicesDenied This website cannot access your location. Allow access in your settings or type your location instead.
messageError An error occured while sending your message. Please try again.
messageIndicatorTitlePlural ({count}) New messages
messageIndicatorTitleSingular ({count}) New message
messageRelativeTimeDay {value}d ago
messageRelativeTimeHour {value}h ago
messageRelativeTimeJustNow Just now
messageRelativeTimeMinute {value}m ago
messageTimestampFormat h:mm A
messageSending Sending...
messageDelivered Delivered
messengerChannelDescription Connect your Facebook Messenger account to be notified when you get a reply and continue the conversation on Facebook Messenger.
notificationSettingsChannelsDescription You can also talk to us from your favorite app or service.
notificationSettingsChannelsTitle Other Channels
notificationSettingsConnected Connected
notificationSettingsConnectedAs Connected as {username}
prechatCaptureGreetingText Hi there ๐Ÿ‘‹\nTo start off, we\'d like to know a little bit more about you:
prechatCaptureNameLabel Your name
prechatCaptureNamePlaceholder Type your name...
prechatCaptureEmailLabel Email
prechatCaptureEmailPlaceholder name@company.com
prechatCaptureConfirmationText Thanks for that! What can we help you with?
prechatCaptureMailgunLinkingConfirmation You\'ll be notified here and by email at {email} once we reply.
sendButtonText Send
settingsHeaderText Settings
shareLocation Share location
smsBadRequestError We were unable to communicate with this number. Try again or use a different one.
smsCancel Cancel
smsChangeNumber Change my number
smsChannelDescription Connect your SMS number to be notified when you get a reply and continue the conversation over SMS.
smsChannelPendingDescription Check your messages at {number} to confirm your phone number.
smsContinue Continue
smsInvalidNumberError Your phone number isn\'t valid. Please try again.
smsLinkCancelled Link to {appUserNumber} was cancelled.
smsLinkPending Pending
smsPingChannelError There was an error sending a message to your number.
smsSendText Send me a text
smsStartTexting Start Texting
smsTooManyRequestsError A connection for that number was requested recently. Please try again in {minutes} minutes.
smsTooManyRequestsOneMinuteError A connection for that number was requested recently. Please try again in 1 minute.
smsUnhandledError Something went wrong. Please try again.
tapToRetry Message not delivered. Tap to retry.
tapToRetryForm Form not submitted. Tap anywhere on the form to retry.
telegramChannelDescription Connect your Telegram account to be notified when you get a reply and continue the conversation on Telegram
unsupportedMessageType Unsupported message type.
unsupportedActionType Unsupported action type.
uploadDocument Upload document.
uploadInvalidError Invalid file.
uploadPhoto Upload photo.
uploadVirusError A virus was detected in your file and it has been rejected
viberChannelDescription Connect your Viber account to be notified when you get a reply and continue the conversation on Viber. To get started, scan the QR code using the Viber app.
viberChannelDescriptionMobile Connect your Viber account to be notified when you get a reply and continue the conversation on Viber. To get started, install the Viber app and tap Connect.
viberQRCodeError An error occurred while fetching your Viber QR code. Please try again.
wechatChannelDescription Connect your WeChat account to be notified when you get a reply and continue the conversation on WeChat. To get started, scan this QR code using the WeChat app.
wechatChannelDescriptionMobile Connect your WeChat account to be notified when you get a reply and continue the conversation on WeChat. To get started, save this QR code image and upload it <a href=\'weixin://dl/scan\'>QR code scanner</a>.
wechatQRCodeError An error occurred while fetching your WeChat QR code. Please try again.
whatsappChannelDescriptionDesktop Sync your account to WhatsApp by scanning the QR code or clicking the link below.\nThen, send the pre-populated message to validate the sync request. (Your code: {{code}}).
whatsappChannelDescriptionMobile Sync your account to WhatsApp by clicking the link below.\nThen, send the pre-populated message to validate the sync request. (Your code: {{code}}).
whatsappLinkingError An error occurred while fetching your WhatsApp linking information. Please try again.