Widget API

Opening and Closing


Opens the conversation widget (noop when embedded)



Closes the conversation widget (noop when embedded)



Tells if the widget is currently opened or closed.




Prefills the user's chat input with a predefined message.

web1on1.setPredefinedMessage('I want to book a test drive');

api.showFakeAgentMessage(message, name)

Add a fake agent message(s) to the interface. Name is optional.

web1on1.api.showFakeAgentMessage('Welcome to the chat');
web1on1.api.showFakeAgentMessage('Welcome to the chat', 'Acme Corp');


Sends a message on the visitor's behalf. The currently loaded conversation will be targeted.


Commands and Fields

Prefix the message with >cs to send command and field messages (or, anything but a regular contact chat message).

You can use this to, when the widget opens, set some conversation information based on data from the webpage. Use case examples:

  • set the conversation category, (and use the Wiki articles to show an article when the category is set)
  • insert a form and fill in some fields into the conversation

Other use cases involve notifying a team inbox on some page event. Use cases:

  • set a permanent conversation meta variable that is used in routing rule conditions to trigger certain routes
  • notify a team inbox directly from the widget page


Set a contact profile field: location (incl department)

web1on1.api.sendClientMessage('>cs .location 61be87aeafdf672d381a9db4#61be87aeafdf672d381a9db5');

Activate a form

web1on1.api.sendClientMessage('>cs +6093490651a8b5629324ae4f');

Set a form field

web1on1.api.sendClientMessage('>cs .brand Toyota');

Set the conversation category

web1on1.api.sendClientMessage('>cs /set @category Used Car');

Set a conversation meta var

web1on1.api.sendClientMessage('>cs /set isLead yes');

Assign to a user or bot

web1on1.api.sendClientMessage('>cs /assign 62c6077ca980127f404b0301');

Notify an inbox

web1on1.api.sendClientMessage('>cs /notify 605411853c68d83fd1ac7655');

Notify all organizations

web1on1.api.sendClientMessage('>cs /notify');

Mention a user or bot

web1on1.api.sendClientMessage('>cs @6248f0083ab5d5001e523146 Hello this is for you');